At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about 139 Medical Facility Pc. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

139 MEDICAL FACILITY P C, NPI 1235301631

    139 Medical Facility PC in New York, NY - WebMD
      139 Medical Facility PC, a Medical Group Practice located in New York, NY. List Your Practice ; Search . Find a doctor near you. Search doctors, conditions, or procedures . …

    139 Medical Facility PC: New York, NY -
      139 Medical Facility PC is a Group Practice with 1 Location. Currently 139 Medical Facility PC's 6 physicians cover 7 specialty areas of medicine. Doctors in 139 Medical Facility …

    139 Medical Facility PC - New York, NY - Read Reviews
      139 Medical Facility PC is a practice located in New York, NY. This practice has 4 highly-rated doctors. This practice has 12 doctors in total, including: 2 internists 2 pediatricians 2 …

    139 MEDICAL FACILITY PC | LinkedIn
      139 MEDICAL FACILITY PC Medical Practices New York, New York 2 followers Follow View all 2 employees Report this company ...

    139 Medical Facility PC in New York, NY
      139 Medical Facility PC, a Medical Group Practice located in New York, NY. LIST YOUR PRACTICE ; Dentist ; Pharmacy ; Search . Find a doctor near you. Search doctors, …

    139 Medical Facility P C, New York, NY 10031 |
      139 Medical Facility P C . 3418 Broadway, Suite 2, New York, NY 10031 . BOOK Save. Save

    139 Medical Facility P C - a Medical Group in New York …
      139 Medical Facility P C is a Medical Group that has only one practice medical office located in New York NY. There are 5 health care providers, specializing in Nurse …

    139 MEDICAL FACILITY PC | Where did $380B in PPP money …
      Loan Amount. Lender. $150K–$350K loan to 139 MEDICAL FACILITY PC. 139 MEDICAL FACILITY PC. NEW YORK, NY. Corporation. Offices of Physicians (except Mental …

    139 MEDICAL FACILITY PC Overview | SignalHire Company Profile
      139 MEDICAL FACILITY PC is a medical practice company based out of 3418 BROADWAY, New York, New York, United States.

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