At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Above Umbilicus Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Medical Terminology for Regions of the Body - dummies
    Directly above this is the epigastric region, or the region of the stomach. Directly below the umbilical region is the hypogastric region. On either side of the epigastric region are the right and left hypochondriac regions. To the right and left of the umbilical …

Umbilicus: Anatomy and function | Kenhub
    Umbilicus. 1/7. Synonyms: Navel. The umbilicus forms the fibrous remnant of the umbilical cord . During embryonic development, the umbilical cord acts …

Umbilical region | definition of umbilical region by Medical …
    umbilical region the abdominal region that is most central in location, surrounding the umbilicus; it is bounded laterally by the two lateral or lumbar regions, superiorly by the …

The 4 Quadrants and 9 Regions of The …
    Definition: Organs Involved: RIGHT HYPOCHONDRIAC REGION: Hypo – below. Chondriac – …

Anatomical Terms of Location - Anterior
    Superior and Inferior. These terms refer to the vertical axis. Superior means ‘higher’, inferior means …

Umbilicus | definition of umbilicus by Medical dictionary
    n. pl. umbili·ci (-sī′) 1. See navel. 2. Biology A small opening or depression similar to a navel, as the hollow at the base of the shell of some gastropod mollusks, one of the …

Anatomical Directional Terms and Body …
    Below are examples of some commonly used anatomical directional terms and planes of the body. Anatomical Directional Terms Anterior: In front of, front …

1.4 Anatomical Terminology – Anatomy
    These terms are sometimes used in describing the position of the body during specific physical examinations or surgical procedures. Regional Terms. The human body’s …

Abdomen Medical Terms & Region | What is the Region …
    What is the abdominal region above the stomach called? The abdominal region above the stomach is referred to as the epigastric. This region houses organs …

Medical Prefixes to Indicate Front, Behind, …
    Hypo- may be used in terms such as hypocardiac and hypoumbilical. Hypocardiac means that something is located 'below the heart' while hypoumbilical …

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