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Acetabulum | definition of acetabulum by Medical dictionary
    acetabulum (ăs′ĭ-tăb′yə-ləm) n. pl. acetabu·la (-lə) 1. Anatomy The cup-shaped cavity at the base of the hipbone into which the ball-shaped head of the femur fits. 2. Zoology A cavity or socket in the body of an insect into which an appendage fits. 3. Zoology A cup-shaped …

Acetabulum Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    acetabulum noun ac· e· tab· u· lum -ˈtab-yə-ləm plural acetabulums or acetabula -lə 1 : the cup-shaped socket in the hip bone 2 : a sucker of an invertebrate (as a trematode or …

Acetabulum - Wikipedia

    Acetabular Fractures: Types, Treatment & Complications …
      An acetabular fracture is a break in your acetabulum. Your acetabulum is the socket part of the hip joint. Acetabular fracture types are classified by pattern and severity. Acetabular …

    Acetabulum Definition & Meaning |
      acetabulum / ( ˌæsɪˈtæbjʊləm) / noun plural -la (-lə) the deep cuplike cavity on the side of the hipbone that receives the head of the thighbone a round muscular sucker in …

    Acetabulum | Radiology Reference Article
      The acetabulum (plural: acetabula) is the large cup-shaped cavity on the anterolateral aspect of the pelvis that articulates with the femoral head to form the hip …

    Acetabular | definition of acetabular by Medical dictionary
      ACETABULUM OF RIGHT HIP BONE (FEMALE) The cavity or depression on the lateral surface of the innominate bone (hip bone). This bone is composed of the three bones …

    Acetabula | definition of acetabula by Medical dictionary
      acetabulum [ as″ĕ-tab´u-lum] (pl. aceta´bula) ( L.) the cup-shaped cavity on the lateral surface of the hip bone in which the head of the femur articulates. Acetabulum, showing …

    Acetabulum: Definition, Anatomy & Fracture |
      So in short, the acetabulum is the cup shaped portion of the hip bone that receives the femoral head of the femur bone, and together these two bony structures form the hip joint. Lesson Quiz...

    Roof of acetabulum | definition of Roof of acetabulum by …
      acetabulum (ăs′ĭ-tăb′yə-ləm) n. pl. acetabu·la (-lə) 1. Anatomy The cup-shaped cavity at the base of the hipbone into which the ball-shaped head of the femur fits. 2. Zoology A cavity …

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