At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Activation Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Activation | definition of activation by Medical dictionary
    3. Techniques of stimulating the brain by light, sound, electricity, or chemical agents, to elicit abnormal activity in the electroencephalogram. 4. Stimulation of peripheral nerve fibers to the point that action potentials are initiated. 5. Stimulation of cell division in an oocyte …

What is behavioral activation? - Medical News Today
    Behavioral activation is an approach to mental health that involves someone using behaviors to influence their emotional state. It is often a part of cognitive behavioral …

Patient Engagement | Health Literacy | CDC
    Patient activation is a strong predictor for seeking and using health information. Two of the three items used to measure functional health literacy were …

Activate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Synonyms of activate. transitive verb. : to make active or more active: such as. a (1) : to make (something, such as a molecule) reactive or more reactive. (2) : to convert …

Activating | definition of activating by Medical dictionary
    Activate. (1) To render something active. (2) To make something radioactive. Chemistry To convert a compound—e.g., a provitamin or enzyme—into an active form or different …

What is the Patient Activation Measure in Patient …
    Ability to self-manage illness or problems Ability to engage in activities that maintain functioning and reduce health declines Ability to be involved in treatment …

Activator | definition of activator by Medical dictionary
    activator [ ak´tĭ-va″ter] a substance that makes another substance active or reactive, induces a chemical reaction, or combines with an enzyme to increase its catalytic activity. …

Gene activation | definition of gene activation by Medical …
    Gene activation | definition of gene activation by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary Google gene activation gene ac·ti·va·tion the process of activation of a gene so that it …

Motion activation | definition of motion activation by …
    Motion activation | definition of motion activation by Medical dictionary motion activation mo·tion ac·ti·va·tion ( mōshŭn akti-vāshŭn) Moving the dental instrument to produce an …

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