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Agonal Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    ag· o· nal ˈa-gə-nᵊl 1 : marked by or characteristic of agony They could hear agonal groans coming from inside, and were sure that someone was still alive and was calling for help. Lawrence Wright 2 : of, relating to, or associated with the act of dying : occurring just …

Agonal | definition of agonal by Medical dictionary
    ag·o·nal ( ag'on-ăl ), Relating to the process of dying or the moment of death, so called because of the notion that dying is a painful process or a struggle with death. Farlex …

Agonal Definition & Meaning |
    of, relating to, or symptomatic of agony, especially paroxysmal distress, as the death throes. QUIZ Question TAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUT Origin of agonal First recorded in …

What Is Agonal Breathing? What Gasping Means and …
    Agonal breathing is when someone who is not getting enough oxygen is gasping for air. It is usually due to cardiac arrest or stroke. It's not true breathing. It's a natural reflex that …

Agonal breathing: What you need to know
    Agonal breathing is the medical term used to describe struggling to breathe or gasping. It is often a …

Agonal Breathing: Symptoms, Causes, and More
    It’s often a brief and inadequate pattern of breathing. Overview Agonal breathing, or agonal respiration, is the medical term for the gasping that people do when …

Agonal Rhythm: About, Causes & End of Life - Cleveland …
    Agonal means: “of, relating to, or associated with the act of dying: occurring just before death.” There are several medical conditions associated with death that contain the word …

Agonal infection | definition of agonal infection by …
    ter·mi·nal in·fec·tion an acute infection, commonly pneumonic or septic, occurring toward the end of any disease and often the cause of death. Synonym (s): agonal infection Farlex …

Agonal Breathing: Everything You Need to …
    Agonal breathing is a severe condition and is treated on the scene by paramedics. They will take over performing CPR and probably the AED machine as well, depending …

Agonally - definition of agonally by The Free Dictionary
    Agonally - definition of agonally by The Free Dictionary agonal (redirected from agonally) Also found in: Medical. ag·o·nal (ăg′ə-nəl) adj. Associated with or relating to great pain, …

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