At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Air Embolism Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Air Embolism: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis
    An air embolism, also called a gas embolism­, occurs when one or more air bubbles …These air bubbles can travel to your brain, heart, or lungs and cause a heart attack, stroke, or respiratory failure. Air embolisms are rather rare. See more

Air embolism | definition of air embolism by Medical …
    An air embolism is an obstruction in a vein or artery caused by a bubble of gas. Air enters the circulatory system when the pressure gradient favors movement of air or gas …

Air embolism: Causes, symptoms and treatment
    An air embolism, specifically, is a bubble, or bubbles, of gas trapped within the blood vessels. The bubbles will, at some …

Air embolism Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    air embolism noun : obstruction of the circulation by air that has gained entrance to veins usually through wounds compare aeroembolism Dictionary Entries …

Pulmonary embolism - Symptoms and …
    A pulmonary embolism is a blood clot that blocks and stops blood flow to an artery in the lung. In most cases, the blood clot starts in a deep vein in the leg and travels to the lung. Rarely, …

Air embolism - UpToDate
    Air embolism is an uncommon, but potentially catastrophic, event that occurs as a consequence of the entry of air into the vasculature. The etiology, …

Air Embolism: Types, Symptoms, Treatment, and More
    An air embolism is a bubble of air that enters your arteries or veins, most often as a complication from a medical procedure. When these bubbles travel, they can …

Air embolism - Wikipedia
    An air embolism, also known as a gas embolism, is a blood vessel blockage caused by one or more bubbles of air or other gas in the circulatory system. Air can be …

Air embolism: diagnosis and management - PubMed
    Air embolism is an uncommon, but potentially life-threatening event for which prompt diagnosis and management can result in significantly improved patient outcomes. Most …

Embolism | definition of embolism by Medical dictionary
    An embolism can be diagnosed through the patient's history, a physical exam, and diagnostic tests. The use of various tests may change, as physicians and clinical …

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