At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about A.K.A Medical Abbreviation. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

A.k.a. | definition of a.k.a. by Medical dictionary
    AKA. Abbreviation for: above-the-knee amputation. alcoholic ketoacidosis. all known allergies. also known as. American Kinesiotherapy Association. Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.

AKA | definition of AKA by Medical dictionary
    AKA Abbreviation for: above-the-knee amputation alcoholic ketoacidosis all known allergies also known as American Kinesiotherapy Association Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 …

Medical Abbreviations & Acronyms |
    OpenMD’s index includes 5,000 common medical abbreviations. Meanings vary by institution and clinical context. When available, the context and original Latin term are …

A-Z List of Common Medical Abbreviations, Acronyms
    Abbreviations, acronyms, and medical terminology are used for many conditions, and for instructions on medication prescribed by your doctor. This is a shortlist …

AKA Medical Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
    AKA. A a bove K -k nee A a mputation. Vote. 1. Vote. AKA. Above - Knee Amput ation ee. Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, Physiatry. Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, Physiatry.

Aka or A.k.a. – What is Correct? - Writing …
    Aka and a.k.a. are abbreviations of the phrase also known as, which introduces pseudonyms and other ways to refer to something. Both forms are popular, but most dictionaries …

Medical Definition of AKA (above the knee amputation)
    Medical Definition of AKA (above the knee amputation) Medical Editor: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD. Reviewed on 3/29/2021. AKA (above the knee …

Aka Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    More from Merriam-Webster on aka. Britannica English: Translation of aka for Arabic Speakers. Love words? Need even more definitions? Subscribe to America's largest …

List of medical abbreviations: A - Wikipedia
    Abbreviation Meaning ā (a with a bar over it) before (from Latin ante) before: A: assessment a.a. of each (from Latin ana ana) amino acids: A or Ala – alanine; C or Cys – …

List of Medical Abbreviations (A to Z) - EngDic
    ANA= antinuclear antibody. ADHD= attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. AP= anteroposterior. ADL= activities of daily living. AST= aspartate transaminase. AGL= …

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