At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Allantoic Fluid Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Allantoic fluid | definition of allantoic fluid by Medical …
    al·lan·to·ic flu·id the fluid within the allantois. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 al·lan·to·ic flu·id ( al'an-tō'ik flū'id) The liquid within the allantoic cavity. Medical …

Allantoin | definition of allantoin by Medical dictionary
    allantoin. (ə-lăn′tō-ĭn) n. An oxidation product of uric acid, C 4 H 6 N 4 O 3, found in the urine of most mammals (except humans and related primates) as the metabolic end …

Allantois | definition of allantois by Medical dictionary
    al·lan·to·is ( ă-lan'tō-is) A fetal membrane developing from the hindgut (or umbilical vesicle, in humans). In humans it becomes a fibrous cord, the urachus; externally, in …

Allantoic Fluid - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
    The maximal vertical allantoic fluid depth in late gestation is abnormal if it is less than 47 mm or greater than 221 mm, and the maximal vertical amniotic fluid depth is …

Allantoic | definition of allantoic by Medical dictionary
    Allantoic | definition of allantoic by Medical dictionary allantoic Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to allantoic: allantoic diverticulum …

Allantoic vesicle | definition of allantoic vesicle by …
    1. the vesicle in the embryo that later develops into the olfactory bulb and tract. 2. a bulbous expansion at the distal end of an olfactory cell, from which the olfactory hairs …

Allantoic fluid - definition of allantoic fluid by The Free …
    fluid ( ˈfluːɪd) n (General Physics) a substance, such as a liquid or gas, that can flow, has no fixed shape, and offers little resistance to an external stress adj 1. (General Physics) …

Allantoic fluid | Article about allantoic fluid by The Free …
    1. a substance, such as a liquid or gas, that can flow, has no fixed shape, and offers little resistance to an external stress 2. capable of flowing and easily changing shape …

'allantoic fluid' là gì?. Nghĩa của từ 'allantoic fluid'
    1. Very fluid. Rất dẻo. 2. Endolymph fluid. Dịch bạch huyết. 3. It's fluid-filled. Nó đầy chất lưu rồi. 4. Fluid dynamics, Mr. Kozlov. Động cơ này rất dễ cháy, anh Kozlov. 5. Bone, …

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