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American Bureau for Medical Aid to China Records, 1937 …

    American Bureau for Medical Aid to China Records, 1937-2005
      The American Bureau for Medical Aid to China (ABMAC) was founded in 1937 to give aid to Chinese medical and public health services by working through existing Chinese medical agencies. Between 1937 and 1945 more than ten million dollars in aid was given to China.

    Western Medicine in China, 1850-1950 | University …
      American Bureau for Medical Aid to China Records, 1937-1979 ABMAC was founded in 1937 to give aid to Chinese medical and public health services by working through …

    American Bureau for Medical Aid to China (ABMAC), undated
      Consists of records of an umbrella organization, originally known as United China Relief (1941-1945) and later as United Service to China (1946-1966), which coordinated …

    American Bureau for Medical Aid to China Records, 1937 …
      Columbia University Finding Aids > Rare Book & Manuscript Library > American Bureau for Medical Aid to China Records, 1937-2005 American Bureau for Medical Aid to …

    American Bureau For Medical Aid To China Records
      After World War II, ABMAC concentrated on aiding six national medical colleges by administering a fellowship program for faculty members of these colleges to spend a …

    American Bureau for Medical Aid to China Records, 1937 …
      Archived web site captures of the official web site of the American Bureau for Medical Advancement in China (ABMAC) Foundation, at The …

    American Bureau for Medical Aid to China [WorldCat …
      Annual report - American Bureau for Medical Aid to China, Inc by American Bureau for Medical Aid to China ( ) Health for our Chinese allies; the story of ABMAC. December, …

    United China Relief (U.S.) - Social Networks and …
      In order to raise funds more efficiently, several organizations joined together as United China Relief. Among the founding organizations were the American Bureau for Medical …

    American Bureau for Medical Aid to China. American Burea for Medical ...
      In order to raise funds more efficiently, several organizations joined together as United China Relief. Among the founding organizations were the American Bureau for Medical Aid to China, the Associated Boards for Christian Colleges in China, the China Emergency Relief Committee, the Church Committee for China Relief, and the China Aid Council.

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