At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Anal Medical Speculum. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Speculum - McKesson Medical-Surgical
    Nasal Speculum. Ophthalmic Speculum. Rectal Speculum. Endocervical Speculum. Shop McKesson Medical-Surgical' s vast selection of speculum including vaginal speculums, nasal speculums, ophthalmic speculums, endocervical speculum, rectal speculum, … Rectal Speculum
    MuskalMed Mathieu Rectal Speculum OB/GYN Silver Color Stander Size Premium Grade Three Blades use Medical Instruments Stainless Steel for Hospital, 21cm 4.5 (2) $2799 …

How to Give a Rectal Exam: 10 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
    Insert your finger into the anal canal gently. Once your finger and the anus are lubricated with warm gel, part the patient's / person's buttocks and slowly insert your index finger. …

Amazon Best Sellers: Best Medical Speculums
    Best Sellers in Medical Speculums. Bhatti New Collin Speculum OB/GYN Medical Instruments (Small) OdontoMed2011® Pennington Rectal Speculum + Boilable …

Speculum: Uses, Types, Exams, and Complications - Healthline
    Anal speculum An anoscope is a tube-shaped instrument that widens the opening of the anus. Doctors use it to diagnose diseases of the anus and rectum. Ear speculum This …

Speculum (medical) - Wikipedia
    Vaginal and anal specula were used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, [2] and speculum artifacts have been found in Pompeii. [3] A vaginal speculum, developed by J. Marion …

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