At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Anaplasia Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Anaplasia | definition of anaplasia by Medical dictionary
    anaplasia A state in which a malignant cell or tissue has undergone structural or functional dedifferentiation to the point where its lineage and/or tissue of origin cannot be determined with complete certainty. Anaplastic tumours usually have high mitotic activity and bizarre …

Anaplasia Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    anaplasia noun an· a· pla· sia ˌa-nə-ˈplā-zh (ē-)ə : reversion of cells to a more primitive or undifferentiated form anaplastic ˌa-nə-ˈpla-stik adjective Word History Etymology New …

Anaplasia - Definition and Examples | Biology Dictionary
    Anaplasia Definition Anaplasia is a term used to describe cells that have lost the unique characteristics that define them as a certain tissue type. In a literal …

Anaplasia Definition & Meaning |
    anaplasia. / ( ˌænəˈpleɪsɪə) /. noun. reversion of plant or animal cells to a simpler less differentiated form. Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital …

Anaplasia - definition of anaplasia by The Free Dictionary
    Noun. 1. anaplasia - loss of structural differentiation within a cell or group of cells often with increased capacity for multiplication, as in a malignant tumor. dysplasia - abnormal development (of organs or cells) …

Difference Between Anaplasia and Dysplasia
    Anaplasia is defined as a cellular state of poor differentiation. Similarly, dysplasia is defined as abnormal cell development or growth. As to their differences, pathologists rely on their experience …

anaplasia Flashcards | Quizlet
    anaplasia Loss of differentiation of cells; reversion to a more primitive cell type. antibiotics Chemotherapeutic drugs found in bacteria and fungi, which cause breaks in DNA strands …

Anaplasia: Definition, Symptoms, Various Examples And Its Huge ...
    Anaplasia means the cells that have shed the characteristics that identify them as a certain kind of tissue. The expression literally indicates “to build backwards”, …

What is aplasia, and where can it occur? - Medical News …
    Aplasia is a condition in which an organ, limb, or other body part does not develop. In most cases, aplasia is obvious at birth. However, certain types of aplasia may sometimes not be apparent...

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