At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Annai Therasa Paramedical College Madurai. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

College Campus - Annai Theresa College
    Location Annai theresa college. 2b/1 muthupatti main road. Alagappan nagar, Madurai-625003. Tamilnadu. India . Phone : 8012341444, 8012341777, 9842195715, 8012341555

About Us | Annai Theresa College
    Location Annai theresa college. 2b/1 muthupatti main road. Alagappan nagar, Madurai-625003. Tamilnadu. India . Phone : 8012341444, 8012341777, 9842195715, …

Annai Theresa Nursing,Catering & Lab Technician College in …
    Learn about Nursing, Catering and Lab Technician courses offered at Annai Theresa College in Madurai. Invest in your future with a career-oriented education! 9842195715, …

Class Rooms - Annai Theresa College
    Location Annai theresa college. 2b/1 muthupatti main road. Alagappan nagar, Madurai-625003. Tamilnadu. India . Phone : 8012341444, 8012341777, 9842195715, 8012341555

Annai Therasa Community College(Nursing/Paramedical Institute …
    New No. 349,Second Floor Sudhagar Nagar Main road Opp. New

Nursing Courses in Madurai | Annai Theresa College
    Location Annai theresa college. 2b/1 muthupatti main road. Alagappan nagar, Madurai-625003. Tamilnadu. India . Phone : 8012341444, 8012341777, 9842195715, 8012341555

Video Gallery - Annai Theresa College
    Location Annai theresa college. 2b/1 muthupatti main road. Alagappan nagar, Madurai-625003. Tamilnadu. India . Phone : 8012341444, 8012341777, 9842195715, 8012341555

Diploma in Lab Technician in Madurai | Annai Theresa College
    Location Annai theresa college. 2b/1 muthupatti main road. Alagappan nagar, Madurai-625003. Tamilnadu. India . Phone : 8012341444, 8012341777, 9842195715, 8012341555

Annai theresa Arts and Science College
    About College. Annai Therasa Arts and Science College is a co-educational College started in the year 1997. It is managed by The Team trust, …

Annai College of Paramedical Science
    The founders of Annai College of Paramedical Science ,Approved by Govt. of Tamilnadu G.O. (MS) No. 381(HI) & 400(ANM) have vast experience in community and Educational …

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