At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Application Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Application | definition of application by Medical dictionary
    ap·pli·ca·tion ( ap-li-kā'shun ), 1. The act of applying, as in bringing a medicine, dressing, or device into contact with the body surface. 2. The act of putting to a specific use, or the capacity of being so used. 3. A formal request, usually in writing. [L. applicatio, , fr. ap …

Application Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Synonyms of application 1 : an act of applying: a (1) : an act of putting something to use application of new techniques (2) : a use to which something is put new applications for …

Device Software Functions Including Mobile Medical …
    Mobile medical apps are medical devices that are mobile apps, that incorporate device software functionality that meet the definition of a device in section …

Topical application | definition of Topical application by …
    Pertaining to something, usually medication, applied to a surface on or in the body, rather than taken internally or injected. Examples of topical applications are skin ointments or …

Medical application definition and meaning - Collins …
    Definition of 'application' application (æplɪkeɪʃən ) Explore 'application' in the dictionary countable noun [NOUN to-infinitive, oft on/upon N] An application for …

Application - definition of application by The Free Dictionary
    application ( ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən) n 1. the act of applying to a particular purpose or use 2. relevance or value: the practical applications of space technology. 3. the act of asking …

Apply Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1 a : to put to use especially for some practical purpose He applies pressure to get what he wants. b : to bring into action apply the brakes c : to lay or spread on apply varnish d : to …

Medical Applications Definition | Law Insider
    definition. Medical Applications means diagnostic products, therapeutic and prophylactic drugs or vaccines, intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of disease in …

What is Medical Application | IGI Global
    What is Medical Application. 1. Software developed for medical purposes, including home medical monitoring system, medical databases for healthcare professionals, …

Medical Application Definition | Law Insider
    definition. Medical Application. Buyer understands that Seller’s Products are not intended for use in any medical application involving permanent implantation in …

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