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Aseptic | definition of aseptic by Medical dictionary
    aseptic. 1. a. Free of pathogenic microorganisms: aseptic surgical instruments. b. Using methods to protect against infection by pathogenic microorganisms: aseptic surgical techniques. 2. Lacking animation or emotion: an aseptic smile. a·sep′ti·cism n.

Aseptic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    aseptic: [adjective] preventing infection. free or freed from pathogenic microorganisms.

Asepsis | definition of asepsis by Medical dictionary
    asepsis: [ a-sep´sis ] 1. freedom from infection or infectious material. 2. the absence of viable pathogenic organisms; see also aseptic technique . adj., adj asep´tic.(See …

Asepsis Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The meaning of ASEPSIS is the condition of being aseptic. Recent Examples on the Web Anesthesia and asepsis made hospital surgeries not only safer but also more bearable. …

Medical asepsis | definition of medical asepsis by …
    asepsis [a-sep´sis] 1. freedom from infection or infectious material. 2. the absence of viable pathogenic organisms; see also aseptic technique. adj., adj asep´tic.(See accompanying …

Asepsis Definition & Meaning |
    Asepsis definition, absence of the microorganisms that produce sepsis or septic disease. See more.

"Aseptic" vs. "Sterile" – What's The Difference?
    What does aseptic mean?. In medicine, aseptic means “free from living microorganisms that can cause disease (aka germs like bacteria or viruses).” In this …

Aseptic surgery | definition of aseptic surgery by Medical …
    aseptic surgery: Etymology: Gk, a, sepsis, without decay, cheirourgos, surgeon the prevention of contamination during surgical procedures.

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