At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Australian Army Medical Corps Egypt. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Royal Australian Army Medical Corps

    The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Australian Army …
      You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: The …

    List of Australian Army medical units in World War I

      The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt by Sir …
        Jan 24, 2013

      Australian Army Nursing Service in World War I - Anzac …
        The Australian Army formed the AANS in July 1903, as part of the Australian Army Medical Corps. During the war. Records show that 2861 women in the AANS served overseas …

      Royal Australian Army Medical Corps
        The role of the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps is to contribute to the Army’s operational capability through the conservation of manpower by promoting health and well-being, through the …

      The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt; An …
        The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt; An Illustrated and Detailed Account of the Early Organisation and Work of the Australian Medical Units in Egypt in 1914-1915 by …

      The Australian Army Medical Corps in …
        Excerpt from The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt: An Illustrated and Detailed Account of the Organisation and Work of the Australian Medical Units in Egypt in 1914-1915. The …

      Australian Army Medical Corps - AbeBooks
        The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt; An Illustrated and Detailed Account of the Early Organisation and Work of the Australian Medical Units in Egypt in 1914-1915 by …

      The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt An …
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