At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Australian Medical Facts And Statistics. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Australia's health 2022 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
    Australia’s health 2022 presents an overview of health in Australia and looks back at the impacts of COVID-19 through a long-term lens. Three articles in Australia’s health 2022: data insights focus on …

Health conditions and risks | Australian Bureau of Statistics
    Over three quarters (78.6%) of Australians had at least one long-term health condition in 2020-21 Nearly half had at least one chronic condition (46.6% or 11.6 million) …

Reports & data - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
    The AIHW releases reports, data tables and other key resources that draw on national major health and welfare data collections, including our own data collections. These …

Health | Australian Bureau of Statistics
    Home Statistics Health Health Health conditions and risks Obesity, diabetes, alcohol, smoking, average height and weight… Causes of death Suicide, heart …

The Australian health system | Australian Government …
    Australia’s health system is one of the best in the world. It provides quality, safe and affordable health care for you and your family. It’s a key reason why we enjoy one of …

Digital health in Australia - statistics & facts | Statista
    Current statistics on this topic Reach & Traffic Internet users as a percentage of the total population Australia 2015-2022 Technology & …

Mental health | Australian Bureau of Statistics
    National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing Over two in five Australians aged 16-85 years (43.7% or 8.6 million people) had experienced a mental disorder at …

Physical activity - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
    Only 3 in 10 pregnant women met the Australian physical activity guideline. 1 in 10 (12%) children aged 5–12 and 2% of young people aged 13–17 met both the …

Statistics | Australian Bureau of Statistics
    Health conditions and risks Obesity, diabetes, alcohol, smoking, average height and weight… Causes of death Suicide, heart disease... Disability Ageing, carers… Health …

Food & nutrition - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
    Overview. The food and beverages we eat and drink (our diet) play an important role in our overall health and wellbeing. Diets that provide insufficient or …

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