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Axil | definition of axil by Medical dictionary
    ax·il·lae. The space below the glenohumeral joint, bounded by the pectoralis major anteriorly, the latissimus dorsi posteriorly, the serratus anterior medially, and the humerus laterally; it has a superior opening between the clavicle, scapula, and first rib …

Axilla Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    : the cavity beneath the junction of the arm or anterior appendage and shoulder or shoulder girdle containing the axillary artery and vein, a part of the brachial plexus of nerves, many …

Axils | definition of Axils by Medical dictionary
    ax·il·lae. The space below the glenohumeral joint, bounded by the pectoralis major anteriorly, the latissimus dorsi posteriorly, the serratus anterior medially, and the humerus …

Axial | definition of axial by Medical dictionary
    ax·i·al. ( ak'sē-ăl ), 1. Relating to an axis. Synonym (s): axialis [TA], axile. 2. Relating to or situated in the central part of the body, in the head and trunk as distinguished from …

Axil Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    ax· il ˈak-səl -ˌsil : the angle between a branch or leaf and the axis from which it arises Word History Etymology borrowed from New Latin axilla, going back to Latin, diminutive of āla …

Axil Definition & Meaning |
    axil [ ăk ′sĭl ] The angle between the upper side of a leaf or stem and the stem or branch that supports it. A bud is usually found in the axil. The American Heritage® Science …

Axial Skeleton: What Bones it Makes Up - Cleveland Clinic
    What is the axial skeleton? The adult human body has 206 bones. These bones are divided into two main parts: Your appendicular skeleton and your axial skeleton. Your axial …

Axillary Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1. : of, relating to, or located near the axilla. 2. : situated in or growing from an axil. axillary buds.

Axillary | definition of axillary by Medical dictionary
    1. Anatomy Of, relating to, or located near the axilla. 2. Botany Of, relating to, or located in an axil: axillary bud. n. Variant of axillar. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary …

Axil - definition of axil by The Free Dictionary
    1. axil - the upper angle between an axis and an offshoot such as a branch or leafstalk. angle - the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to …

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