At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Backward Heart Failure Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Backward heart failure | definition of backward heart …
    backward heart failure: inability of the heart to maintain cardiac output sufficient to meet the body's needs; it most often results from myocardial failure affecting the right or left ventricle. backward heart failure a concept of heart failure emphasizing the resultant …

Heart failure - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

    Types of Heart Failure | American Heart …
      Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a type of heart failure which requires seeking timely medical attention, although sometimes the two terms are used …

    Mitral valve regurgitation - Symptoms and …
      This condition, called acute mitral valve regurgitation, causes sudden signs and symptoms. Fatigue is a common but nonspecific symptom of mitral valve …

    What is forward and backward heart failure? - Studybuff
      Backward Heart Failure: One of the ventricles fails to pump out all of its blood that comes into it. Thus, the ventricular filling pressure and systemic or pulmonary edema increase. …

    Backward failure | definition of backward failure by …
      backward failure: Heart failure attributed to increased filling pressure of the ventricles due to obstruction, as occurs with mitral or tricuspid stenosis, which causes increased venous …

    Types of heart failure -
      There are two types of heart failure here: Heart failure with reduced pumping ability: The heart muscle has become weaker, and no longer pumps enough blood …

    Congestive Heart Failure: The Medical …
      Diagnosis. Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a progressively worsening condition in which the heart becomes weak and congested. Other heart conditions, …

    What is Heart Failure? | American Heart …
      Heart failure is a chronic, progressive condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs for blood and …

    Forward heart failure | definition of forward heart failure …
      forward heart failure: inability of the heart to maintain cardiac output sufficient to meet the body's needs; it most often results from myocardial failure affecting the right or left …

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