At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Bifurcate Ligament Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Bifurcated ligament | definition of Bifurcated ligament by …
    bi·fur·cate lig·a·ment. [TA] a strong, V-shaped dorsal tarsal ligament on the dorsum of the foot that passes from the calcaneus distal to the tarsal sinus and attaches to cuboid and navicular bones; it is divided into the dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament and …

Bifurcate ligament | Radiology Reference Article
    The bifurcate ligament is one of the ligaments of the midtarsal joint, connecting the calcaneus with the navicular and the cuboid bone. Gross anatomy. …

Bifurcated ligament - Wikipedia
    The bifurcated ligament ( internal calcaneocuboid, interosseous ligament or bifurcate ligament) is a strong …

Bifurcate ligament | definition of bifurcate ligament by …
    bi·fur·cate lig·a·ment [TA] a strong, V-shaped dorsal tarsal ligament on the dorsum of the foot that passes from the calcaneus distal to the tarsal sinus and attaches to cuboid and …

Bifurcate Ligament: Symptoms and …
    A ligament connects a bone to a bone, and the Bifurcate ligament attaches the anterior process of the calcaneus bone to the cuboid and navicular bones in a Y …

Bifurcate ligament - calcaneonavicular portion
    The bifuracte ligament is a stabilizer of Chopart's joint. It consists of two portions; the calcaneonavicular portion, and the calcaneocuboid portion. References 1 article features …

Bifurcate ligament - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
    The bifurcate ligament is a strong band, attached behind to the deep hollow on the upper surface of the calcaneus and dividing in front in a Y-shaped manner into a …

Bifurcate Ligament - Podiatry, Orthopedics, & Physical Therapy
    Bifurcate ligament: This ligament connects the anterior process of the calcaneus to both the cuboid and navicular bones (indicated by green triangle in the image above) Inversion …

Bifurcate ligament: Definition with Bifurcate ligament Pictures
    Medical Definition of Bifurcate ligament 1. A strong V-shaped ligament on the dorsum of the foot that passes from the calcaneus distal to the tarsal sinus and attaches to cuboid …

bifurcate ligament stress test - University of West Alabama
    bifurcate ligament stress test Athletic Training & Sports Medicine Center Examination Links: Alphabetical Listing of Examinations Head Cervical Spine Thoracic Spine Lumbar …

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