At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Bk Medical 8818 Transducer. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Prostate Triplane 8818 | BK Medical
    BK Medical is committed to designing active imaging systems that help surgeons visualize anatomy and lesions, guide interventions, and navigate inside the human body. Our …

Transducers | BK Medical
    BK Medical is committed to designing active imaging systems that help surgeons visualize anatomy and lesions, guide interventions, and navigate inside the human body. Our mission at BK is to change the standard of …

Endocavity Biplane 8848 | BK Medical
    BK Medical is committed to designing active imaging systems that help surgeons visualize anatomy and lesions, guide interventions, and navigate inside the human body. Our …

Lysis | BK Medical | 8818 Transducer
    The BK Medical 8818 Intra Cavity transducer has a frequency range of 4.0 MHz. - 12.0 MHz. and supports the following applications: Urology, Gynaecology. The BK Medical …

Bk Medical Type 8818 Ultrasound Transducer Probe- 4 …
    Bk Medical Type 8818 Ultrasound Transducer Probe- 4-12 MHz About this product Best Selling in Medical Sensors & Ultrasound Probes See all …

Care and Cleaning | BK Medical
    To make liquid-based reprocessing more convenient, most BK Medical transducers come with a special watertight plug lid to allow the entire transducer (including the cable and plug) to be fully submerged. BK …

E14C4t (9018) Prostate Triplane Transducer | BK Medical
    Unique Smart Button TM allows you to switch easily between biplane and enfire imaging. The buttons also freeze, print and store images with one press. Sleek design minimizes …

Endovaginal 8819 | BK Medical
    BK Medical is committed to designing active imaging systems that help surgeons visualize anatomy and lesions, guide interventions, and navigate inside the human body. Our …

B-k Medical 8818 Prostate Biplane Ultrasound …
    Type: 8818 B-K Medical Manufacturers Description: The 8818 is a simultaneous biplane and endfire transducer designed for use with the Pro Focus 2202 and Flex Focus 1202 ultrasound systems. It has two convex …

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