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How the case against the MMR vaccine was fixed | The …
    Funding: Brian Deer’s investigation was funded by the Sunday Times of London and the Channel 4 television network. Reports by Deer …

How the vaccine crisis was meant to make money | The BMJ
    Funding: Brian Deer’s investigation was funded by the Sunday Times of London and the Channel 4 television network. Reports …

Brian Deer - Wikipedia

    Wakefield’s article linking MMR vaccine and autism was …
      In a series of articles starting this week, and seven years after first looking into the MMR scare, journalist Brian Deer now shows the …

    BMJ series on the Wakefield fraud - Brian Deer
      In the wake of his investigation for The Sunday Times of London, Brian Deer was invited by BMJ, the British Medical Journal, to set out his Sunday Times findings in …

    Andrew Wakefield: a cheat exposed - Brian Deer
      Secrets of the MMR Scare: Brian Deer’s 2011 series for BMJ, the British Medical Journal, which expanded on The Sunday Times reports, with additional information and an …

    Andrew Wakefield: the fraud investigation –
      With revelations scattered across seventeen years, between 2003 and 2020 Brian Deer pursued a landmark public interest investigation for The Sunday Times of London, with spin-offs for a UK TV network and the British …

    Brian Deer Blunders in British Medical Journal - AGE OF AUTISM
      By John Stone A blunder by Sunday Times journalist Brian Deer has left him exposed in the columns of British Medical Journal on-line, leaving open the question of how he could …

    Why We Cannot Believe Brian Deer About Andrew …
      This in itself seems to be contradicted the investigating journalist’s, Brian Deer’s , account of the matter. Writing in the British Medical Journal after the GMC findings Deer wrote (2 February 2010): …

    Who in the Hell is Brian Deer?… – BolenReport
      Brian Deer is the guy who wrote a series of articles in the London Times deriding Andrew Wakefield’s scientific work. Then, last year he wrote for the British …

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