At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about British Army Medical Entry Requirements. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Army Medical Requirements - British Army Jobs
    Reduction of corrected vision in one eye below army entry standards. Diplopia. Neurological disorders: Epilepsy. History of head injury with neurological sequalae. Migraines. Multiple sclerosis. Psychiatric problems: Schizophrenia. Obsessive …

Army Medical Requirements & Examination
    Your application will be assessed on its own merits against medical standards for entry. Issues Back problems Blood diseases Bone or joint problems Cardiovascular problems …

Entry Requirements and Standards | The …
    People Entry Requirements and Standards Entry Requirements and Standards Get prepared to join the Army and learn about what you need to join, whether as a Regular Soldier, Officer or Reserve. …

Army entry requirements: Can I join the Army? - British Army Jobs ...
    Army entry requirements - Can I join the Army? Do you meet the basic standards needed to join the British Army? When you apply to join the Army, you will need to meet certain entry requirements. These include your age, health and nationality. Everyone who joins must meet these requirements, and they will be checked as part of your application.

Eligibility Requirements | The British Army
    Nationality You must be either a British Citizen, a Citizen of the Irish Republic or a member of the Commonwealth with Indefinite Leave to Remain (this doesn’t include Student Visas). Medical Conditions …

Combat Medical Technician - British Army
    Entry requirements Age: From 16 years & 6 months to 35 years & 6 months years Qualifications: GCSE Grade A*–C/9-4 in at least English Language and Maths Basic …

Doctor - British Army
    An Army doctor who undertakes specialist training in general practice or a hospital speciality must fulfil Royal College requirements to be awarded the Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training. Specialists can apply up to the age of 55 Basic physical fitness assessment: Mid Thigh Pull 50kg Medicine Ball Throw 2.7m MSFT (beep test) level 5.8

Army Medical Services | The British Army
    The Army Medical Service is a modern, inclusive, operationally proven organisation that is aligned totally with the National Health Service. It is made up of four Corps (The Royal Army Medical …

New Physical Employment Standards for …
    The Role Fitness Test (Entry) (RFT E) is the recruit entry standard. Recruits will have to meet a required standard to be able to join different roles within the Army. The content and standards of the …

Medical assessment for PULHEEMS - GOV.UK
    (1) Routine medical assessments are conducted for employment purposes at 5-yearly intervals from age 30, more frequently for special employment groups (e.g. aircrew) and biennially after the age of 50 in line with single Service requirements. (2) Service Medical Boards4 are conducted to re-grade personnel following changes

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