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Burrow - definition of burrow by The Free Dictionary
    burrow ( ˈbʌrəʊ) n 1. (Zoology) a hole or tunnel dug in the ground by a rabbit, fox, or other small animal, for habitation or shelter 2. a small snug place affording shelter or retreat vb 3. to dig (a burrow) in, through, or under (ground) 4. (often foll by: through) to move through …

Burrow Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    burrowed; burrowing; burrows intransitive verb 1 a : to make a burrow A fox had burrowed into the side of the hill. b : to progress by or as if by digging burrowing through a pile of …

Burrows | definition of burrows by Medical dictionary
    bur·row ( ber'ō ), 1. A subcutaneous tunnel or tract made by a parasite (for example, scabies mite). 2. A sinus or fistula. 3. (Rare) To undermine or create a tunnel or tract through or …

Barrow Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1 of 2 noun. bar· row ˈbar-ō. : a large burial mound of earth or stones. barrow. 2 of 2 noun. 1. : a structure that has handles and sometimes a wheel and is used for carrying …

Burrowing | definition of burrowing by Medical dictionary
    Burrowing | definition of burrowing by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary Google burrowing Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia . burrowing (bŭr′ō-ĭng) …

Barrow-man - definition of barrow-man by The Free …
    1. barrow-man - a hawker of fruit and vegetables from a barrow. barrow-boy, costermonger. bargainer, dealer, monger, trader - someone who purchases and …

Burow triangle | definition of Burow triangle by Medical …
    Bu·row tri·an·gle. ( būr'ov trī'ang-gĕl) A triangle of skin and subcutaneous fat excised so that a flap can be advanced without buckling the adjacent tissue. Synonym (s): …

Burow | definition of Burow by Medical dictionary
    Burow | definition of Burow by Medical dictionary Burow Also found in: Wikipedia . Bur·ow ( būr'ov ), Karl A. von, German surgeon, 1809-1874. See: Burow solution, Bürow triangle, …

Barrow boy Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    barrow boy noun British : costermonger Word History First Known Use 1939, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of barrow boy was in 1939 See more …

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