At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about C P Medical Abbreviation Pregnancy. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Pregnancy Acronyms and Abbreviations |
    Chromo = Chromopertubation CL = Corpus luteum CM = Cervical Mucus CMV = Cytomegalovirus CNM = Certified Nurse Midwife CP = Cervical position Ctx = Contractions CVAT = Costovetebral Angle Tenderness, a symptom of pyelonephritis CVS …

Obstetrics Words | Gravida Para Abortus - Meditec
    GPA is the abbreviation for gravida, para, abortus. Sometimes, GPA terminology is combined with TPAL terminology. The patient is gravida 3, 3-0-0-3. Accompanied by …

Gravidity & Parity and GTPAL (Explained with Examples)
    Gravidity and parity (GP) are a 2-digit system to record pregnancy and birth history of the women. This is more basic method of recording obstetric history which only include information about woman’s …

Gravidity and parity - Wikipedia

    CP Pregnancy Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
      CP Pregnancy Abbreviation Meaning CP Pregnancy Abbreviation What is CP meaning in Pregnancy? 7 meanings of CP abbreviation related to Pregnancy: Pregnancy Sort …

    Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM)
      Preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PPROM) is a pregnancy complication. In this condition, the sac (amniotic membrane) surrounding your baby breaks (ruptures) …

    HELLP Syndrome: What It Is, Symptoms & Treatment
      HELLP syndrome is a pregnancy complication. It is a type of preeclampsia. It usually occurs during the third trimester of pregnancy. But it also can develop in the first week …

    CP Medical Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
      Creatine Phosphate. Chemistry, Biochemistry, Technology. Chemistry, Biochemistry, Technology. Vote. 10. Vote. CP. Cervical Position. Pregnancy, Health, Infertility.

    Biophysical Profile (BPP) Test: Understanding Your Score - WebMD
      The BPP is a combination of tests that check your baby's health. It measures your baby's body movement and muscle tone. It also measures how fast your baby's heart rate …

    Deciphering OB/Gyn Abbreviations - Critical Analysis …
      LTCS: low transverse c-section NST: non-stress test NSVD: normal spontaneous vaginal delivery OCP: oral contraceptive pill OCT: oxytocin challenge test PG: phosphatidyl glycerol PIH: pregnancy …

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