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Calculosis | definition of calculosis by Medical dictionary
    calculosis: [ lĭ-thi´ah-sis ] 1. a condition marked by formation of calculi and concretions. 2. sometimes used as a synonym for one of the specific types of lithiasis, such as urolithiasis , nephrolithiasis , or cholelithiasis . gallbladder lithiasis cholecystolithiasis . pancreatic …

Calculosis Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    noun. cal· cu· lo· sis ˌkal-kyə-ˈlō-səs. plural calculoses -ˌsēz. : the formation of or the condition of having a calculus or calculi.

Medical Dictionary - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Dictionary. Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from the reference experts at …

Calculosis - definition of calculosis by The Free Dictionary
    Define calculosis. calculosis synonyms, calculosis pronunciation, calculosis translation, English dictionary definition of calculosis. n. pl. li·thi·a·ses Pathological formation of …

Calculus | definition of calculus by Medical dictionary
    cal·cu·lus. , pl. calculi ( kal'kyū-lŭs, -lī) 1. Synonym (s): dental calculus. 2. Concretion formed in any part of the body, most commonly in passages of biliary and urinary tracts; usually …

Medical Dictionary
    Medical Dictionary : calculosis : the tendency to form calculi or stones. Also Read : Cochlear implants : Cochlear implants are devices inserted under the skull that directly …

Calculi | definition of calculi by Medical dictionary
    calculi: [ kal´ku-lus ] (pl. cal´culi ) ( L. ) an abnormal concretion, usually composed of mineral salts, occurring within the body, chiefly in hollow organs or their passages. Called also …

Calculose | definition of calculose by Medical dictionary
    A. I have given some 5 basic questions and answers which are related to food labels and nutrition calculations. Hope you will find it useful: 1.

Calculous | definition of calculous by Medical dictionary
    A. I have given some 5 basic questions and answers which are related to food labels and nutrition calculations. Hope you will find it useful: 1.

Calcicosis | definition of calcicosis by Medical dictionary
    calcicosis: [ kal″sĭ-ko´sis ] a form of pneumoconiosis disease due to inhalation of marble dust.

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