At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Caliectasis Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Caliectasis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment - Healthline

    Caliectasis | definition of caliectasis by Medical dictionary
      caliectasis: ( kā'lē-ek'tă-sis ), Dilation of the calices, usually due to obstruction or infection. Synonym(s): calicectasis , pyelocaliectasis

    Calicectasis | definition of calicectasis by Medical dictionary
      calicectasis: [ kal″ĭ-sek´tah-sis ] dilatation of a calix of the kidney.

    What is Caliectasis (Hydrocalycosis)?
      Caliectasis (hydrocalycosis) is a medical condition that occurs when the calyces, within the renal …

    Caliectasis - Definition, Treatment, …
      There are numerous of causes that are common which results to the appearance of caliectasis and these include: Blockage of the urinary tract – The tract can …

    caliectasis |
      caliectasis (hydrocalycosis) (kal-i-ek-tă-sis) n. dilatation or distension of the calyces of the kidney, mainly associated with hydronephrosis and usually demonstrated by ultrasound …

    Healthh: Caliectasis
      Definition. Caliectasis is a medical condition in which the calyces of the kidneys become dilated. The calyces are the kidney chambers through which the urine passes, being …

    Staghorn Calculus: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
      The plural is calculi or stones.) A staghorn calculus is the name given to a branching kidney stone, and may form if you have repeated urinary tract infections (UTIs). If …

    Hydronephrosis - Overview - Mayo Clinic
      Hydronephrosis. Hydronephrosis. Hydronephrosis is swelling of one or both kidneys. Kidney swelling happens when urine can't drain from a kidney …

    Prenatal caliectasis/hydronephrosis
      Definition of antenatal hydronephrosis: Hydronephrosis = fluid in the kidney and, as such, it is a descriptive term, not necessarily indicative of a pathological condition.

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