At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Canadian Medical Center Prague. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Canadian Medical | Canadian Medical
    System of care at Canadian Medical The patient comes first Eight clinics in Prague and Brno 40+ medical specialisations Telephone consultation with a doctor Open in the …

Prague 6 – AFI | Canadian Medical
    Prague 6 – AFI | Canadian Medical. Come visit our clinic at Prague 6 AFI. To make an appointment please call: +420 235 360 133. +420 222 300 300I want to be a …

Canadian Medical | Canadian Medical
    Vedoucí lékař kliniky AFI. "Během své dvacetileté praxe se snažím přiblížit citátu Williama Oslera, který prohlásil: „Dobrý lékař léčí nemoc, výborný lékař léčí pacienta, který má …

Prague 5 – Waltrovka | Canadian Medical
    We would like to welcome you to our clinic in the historically-protected Walter building located at the Waltrovka building complex in Prague’s 5 Jinonice district. At this attractive …

Prague 4 – Pankrác House | Canadian Medical
    Clinic's opening hours. Mon7:00 - 19:00. Tue7:00 - 19:00. Wed7:00 - 19:00. Thu7:00 - 19:00. Fri7:00 - 19:00. The clinic is barrier-free. Parking Navigation. When entering the car park …

Praha 6 – AFI | Canadian Medical
    V případě potřeby je Vám zaměstnanec Canadian Medical připraven pomoci na jak hlavní recepci v Lobby, tak následně na každém našem patře. Navigace autem Ať již jedete od …

Canadian Medical Center
    Welcome To Canadian Medical Center. The Canadian Medical Center boasting highly-expert practitioners and surgeons from the top educational hospitals around the world, …

Canadian Medical | Prague 6 - Hadovka - Prague, Czech …
    Canadian Medical Prague is a leading, well-established private Czech clinic with a wide range of specializations that places strong emphasis on the highest quality medical care. …

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