At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Canalisation Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Recanalization | definition of recanalization by Medical …
    re·ca·nal·i·za·tion. ( rē-kan'ăl-ī-zā'shŭn) 1. Restoration of a lumen in a blood vessel following thrombotic occlusion, by organization of the thrombus with formation of new channels. 2. Spontaneous restoration of the continuity of the lumen of any occluded …

Canalization | definition of canalization by Medical dictionary
    canalization. [ kan″al-ĭ-za´shun] 1. formation of canals, natural or morbid. 2. surgical establishment of canals for drainage. 3. recanalization. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and …

Canalization Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    canalization. noun. ca· na· li· za· tion. variants or British canalisation. ˌkan-ᵊl-ə-ˈzā-shən. 1. : surgical formation of holes or canals for drainage without tubes. 2. : natural …

Canalisation in human growth: a widely accepted …
    According to the concept of canalisation, infants and children stay within one or two growth channels, and therefore, any crossing of height centiles always warrants …

Canalization Definition & Meaning |
    canalization [ k uh-nal- uh- zey-sh uhn, kan-l- ] noun the formation of canals; the act of canalizing. Biology. the development of an organism along relatively predictable …

Canalisation - definition of canalisation by The Free …
    canalization. production - the act or process of producing something; "Shakespeare's production of poetry was enormous"; "the production of white blood cells". 2. canalisation …

Canalization definition | Psychology Glossary |
    Canalization definition | Psychology Glossary | Canalization Canalization, in the field of genetics, refers to how the same phenotypes are produced by a genotype …

ACCUEIL | Franchise docteurcanalisation | devenez franchisé
    Chez les Docteurs Canalisations tout est né d'une rencontré en 2019 entre Nicolas Scotto et Arnaud Legrand. Chacun avec des bagages differents , l'histoire était crée. En 2022 …

Canalization - Wikipedia
    Canalization may refer to: Canalization, the process of introducing weirs and locks to a river so as to secure a defined depth suitable for navigation. Channelization, the process …

What Is Canalization? - West Virginia …
    When the cells do not listen, bad things happen. “The loss of this canalization is a force that will allow those cells that are normal to become cancerous, if we understand how that …

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