At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Cholelithotripsy Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Cholelithotripsy | definition of cholelithotripsy by Medical …
    cholelithotripsy [ ko″le-lith´o-trip″se ] ( cholelithotrity [ ko″le-lĭ-thot´rĭ-te ]) crushing of a gallstone. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc.

Choledocholithotripsy | definition of choledocholithotripsy …
    choledocholithotripsy cho·led·o·cho·lith·o·trip·sy ( kō-led'ō-kō-lith'ō-trip-sē ), Fragmentation of a gallstone in the common bile duct either by transcutaneous sonic energy or …

Gallstones (Cholelithiasis): Practice Essentials, …

    Medical Terminology - Digestive System Flashcards
      Cirrhosis Literally, "orange-yellow" in Greek. A degenerative disease of the liver that often develops in chronic alcoholics, but can have other causes. The name refers to the gross …

    Cholelithotripsy: Definition with Cholelithotripsy Pictures and
      Cholelithotripsy: Definition with Cholelithotripsy Pictures and Photos 1. Lexicographical Neighbors of Cholelithotripsy Other Resources: Store and/or access your personal data …

    What is the medical breakdown for the term cholelithiasis?
      Cholelithiasis is the medical term for gallstone disease. Gallstones are concretions that form in the biliary tract, usually in the gallbladder. Chole = related to the …

    What is the medical term meaning crushing of gallstones
      Cholelithotripsy is the medical term meaning crushing of a gallstone. This crushing may be done mechanically or using light beams. What is the medical term …

    Solved ACROSS 1. The part of the throat behind the …
      Cholelithotripsy is the medical term for a gallstone." 11. The prefix that means outside 12. Identiry; sense of self 13. Blood coagulates to form a 40. A person with dysphagia finds it …

    What is cholelithotripsy in medical terms? -
      Medical Definition of cholecystostomy: surgical incision of the gallbladder usually to effect drainage. What does the term Hemiglossal refers to?: surgical excision of one lateral half …

    What is cholelithotripsy in medical terms? Explained by FAQ Blog
      Medical Definition of cholecystostomy: surgical incision of the gallbladder usually to effect drainage. What does the term Hemiglossal refers to?: surgical excision of one lateral half …

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