At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Decompress Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Decompression Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    de· com· pres· sion -ˈpresh-ən. : the act or process of releasing from pressure or compression: as. a. : reduction of pressure: (1) : the decrease of ambient air pressure experienced in an air lock on return to atmospheric pressure after a period of breathing …

Decompress Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    How to use decompress in a sentence. to release from pressure or compression; to convert (something, such as a compressed file or signal) to an expanded or original size… See …

Decompress | definition of decompress by Medical …
    decompress: (dē″kŏm-prĕs′) 1. To pass from a state of stress to tranquillity. 2. To relieve pressure, esp. that produced by air or gas.

Decompression | definition of decompression by Medical …
    decompression [de″kom-presh´un] return to normal environmental pressure after exposure to greatly increased pressure. cerebral decompression removal of a flap of the skull and …

Decompressed | definition of decompressed by Medical …
    decompress. 1. To pass from a state of stress to tranquillity. 2. To relieve pressure, esp. that produced by air or gas. Want to thank TFD for its existence?

Medical Definition of Decompress - MedicineNet
    Decompress: 1. In general, to remove pressure physically or emotionally. 2. In surgery, to remove pressure on a structure such as the spinal cord. 3. To lessen …

Decompression sickness Definition & Meaning - Merriam …
    The meaning of DECOMPRESSION SICKNESS is a sometimes fatal condition that is caused by the release of gas bubbles typically of nitrogen as it leaves its dissolved …

Decompression Sickness Guide: Causes, Symptoms …
    High percentage of body fat. Use of alcohol or tobacco. Fatigue, seasickness or lack of sleep. Injuries (old or current) Diving in cold water. Lung disease. Someone …

Decompression sickness | definition of ... - Medical …
    Decompression Sickness Definition Decompression sickness (DCS) is a dangerous and occasionally lethal condition caused by nitrogen bubbles that form in the blood and other …

Decompression disease | definition of ... - Medical …
    Decompression Sickness Definition Decompression sickness (DCS) is a dangerous and occasionally lethal condition caused by nitrogen bubbles that form in the blood and other …

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