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Decussate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The history of decussate leads us back to the intersection of decem, a word meaning "ten," and ass-, a form that refers to a unit of weight and specifically to a copper coin cut to a half-ounce. In the Roman numeral system the number 10 is represented by X, an …

Decussates | definition of decussates by Medical dictionary
    decussate [ de-kus´āt] 1. to cross in the form of an X. 2. crossed like the letter X. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh …

Decussate | definition of decussate by Medical dictionary
    decussate [ de-kus´āt] 1. to cross in the form of an X. 2. crossed like the letter X. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh …

Decussation Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    de· cus· sa· tion ˌdē- (ˌ)kə-ˈsā-shən. 1. : the action of intersecting or crossing (as of nerve fibers) especially in the form of an X see pyramidal decussation. 2. a. : a band …

Decussate Definition & Meaning |
    decussate verb (dɪˈkʌseɪt) to cross or cause to cross in the form of the letter X; intersect adjective (dɪˈkʌseɪt, dɪˈkʌsɪt) in the form of the letter X; crossed; intersected botany (esp …

Decussation | definition of decussation by Medical …
    1. In general, any crossing over or intersection of parts. 2. The intercrossing of two homonymous fiber bundles as each crosses over to the opposite side of the brain in the …

Decussation Definition & Meaning |
    decussation. [ dee-k uh- sey-sh uhn, dek- uh- ] SHOW IPA. See synonyms for decussation on 🎓 College Level. noun. a process of becoming or condition of being …

Decussates - definition of decussates by The Free …
    decussate. vb. to cross or cause to cross in the form of the letter X; intersect. adj. 1. in the form of the letter X; crossed; intersected. 2. (Botany) botany (esp of leaves) arranged …

Decussation - Wikipedia
    Whereas a decussation refers to a crossing within the central nervous system, various kinds of crossings in the peripheral nervous system are called chiasma. In the brain, where nerve fibers obliquely cross from …

Decussate - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms
    In anatomy, nerve fibers that cross from one side of the brain to the other are said to decussate, and when rods of tooth enamel decussate, they cross each other in an …

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