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Elevation | definition of elevation by Medical dictionary
    el·e·va·tion ( el'ĕ-vā'shŭn ), [TA] 1. Synonym (s): torus (1) 2. The act of assuming or being raised to an elevated position, as in elevation of the pupil (directing the gaze upward); the movement produced by a levator. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 …

Anatomical Terms of Movement - Flexion - TeachMeAnatomy

    Elevation Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      el· e· va· tion ˌel-ə-ˈvā-shən 1 a : the height to which something is raised b : the height above sea level : altitude 2 : an act or instance of elevating 3 : an elevated place (as a …

    Elevate | definition of elevate by Medical dictionary
      el·e·va·tion ( el'ĕ-vā'shŭn ), [TA] 1. Synonym (s): torus (1) 2. The act of assuming or being raised to an elevated position, as in elevation of the pupil (directing the gaze upward); …

    Elevation : Muscle Actions : Joint Movements
      Definition of elevation in the context of movement of the body: Elevation is the upward movement of structures of the body. For example, elevation of a shoulder …

    Elevation and Depression Anatomy
      Elevation refers to movement of a body part in a superior direction, or moving upward. When you walk into a hotel lobby, you have to get on the elevator to go up, right? We’d also say that a mountain has a …

    Elevation - definition of elevation by The Free Dictionary
      elevation ( ˌɛlɪˈveɪʃən) n 1. the act of elevating or the state of being elevated 2. the height of something above a given or implied place, esp above sea level 3. a raised area; height 4. …

    Elevation (geography) | definition of Elevation …
      el·e·va·tion ( el'ĕ-vā'shŭn ), [TA] 1. Synonym (s): torus (1) 2. The act of assuming or being raised to an elevated position, as in elevation of the pupil (directing the gaze upward); …

    Medical Definition of High altitude - MedicineNet
      High altitude: Altitude sickness occurs at high altitude. So what is high altitude? Altitude is defined on the following scale: High altitude: 8,000 - 12,000 feet …

    Altitude Sickness: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
      Altitude Sickness If you travel to a high elevation without letting your body adjust to the new altitude, you may experience altitude sickness. Symptoms include headache and nausea. …

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