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Graph | definition of graph by Medical dictionary
    [G. graphō, to write] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 graph ( graf) Do not confuse this word with graft. 1. A line or tracing denoting varying values of commodities, temperatures, urinary output, and the like; more generally, any geometric or pictorial …

Graph Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    noun (1) : a diagram (such as a series of one or more points, lines, line segments, curves, or areas) that represents the variation of a variable in comparison with that of one …

Graphs | definition of graphs by Medical dictionary
    1. A line or tracing denoting varying values of commodities, temperatures, urinary output, etc.; more generally, any geometric or pictorial representation of measurements …

-graph | definition of -graph by Medical dictionary
    1. Something written, as in monograph, radiograph. 2. The instrument for making a recording, as in kymograph. Compare: -gram. [G. graphō, to write] Farlex Partner …

Medical Term Suffixes | -Graphy, -Rrhea, -Gram,
    The suffix -graphy refers to the act of making a recording or taking a picture. The tool we would use to take this recording would use the suffix -graph, which is an …

Cardiograph Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    car· dio· graph ˈkär-dē-ə-ˌgraf : an instrument that graphically registers movements of the heart cardiographic ˌkär-dē-ə-ˈgra-fik adjective cardiography ˌkär-dē-ˈä-grə-fē noun …

Commonly Confused Suffixes in Medical …
    The suffix -graphy means 'to record' or 'take a picture.' You will use this suffix when describing the act of recording or taking the picture. Putting this with our …

Radiograph Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    noun ra· dio· graph ˈrā-dē-ō-ˌgraf : a picture produced on a sensitive surface by a form of radiation other than visible light specifically : an X-ray or gamma ray photograph …

Radiograph | definition of radiograph by Medical dictionary
    radiograph (rā′dē-ō-grăf′) n. An image produced by radiation, usually by x-rays, and recorded on a radiosensitive surface, such as photographic film, or by photographing a …

Graph- | definition of graph- by Medical dictionary
    Graph- | definition of graph- by Medical dictionary grapho- (redirected from graph-) Also found in: Dictionary . grapho- ( graf'ō ), A writing, description. [G. graphō, to write] Farlex …

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