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Inanition | definition of inanition by Medical dictionary
    ( in'ă-nish'ŭn ), Severe weakness and wasting as occurs from lack of food, defect in assimilation, or neoplastic disease. [L. inanis, empty] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 inanition (ĭn′ə-nĭsh′ən) n. 1. Exhaustion, as from lack of nourishment or …

Inanition Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Inanition describes a state of suffering from either a literal emptiness (of sustenance) or a metaphorical emptiness (of interest or energy), so it should come as no …

Inanition - Oxford Reference
    n. a condition of exhaustion caused by lack of nutrients in the blood. This may arise through starvation, malnutrition, or intestinal disease. From: inanition in Concise Medical …

Inanition Definition & Meaning |
    inanition / ( ˌɪnəˈnɪʃən) / noun exhaustion resulting from lack of food mental, social, or spiritual weakness or lassitude Word Origin for inanition C14: from Late Latin …

Inanition - definition of inanition by The Free Dictionary
    n. 1. Exhaustion, as from lack of nourishment or vitality. 2. The condition or quality of being empty. [Middle English inanisioun, emptiness, from Old French inanicion, …

Inanity Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    inanity noun inan· i· ty i-ˈna-nə-tē plural inanities Synonyms of inanity 1 : the quality or state of being inane: such as a : vapid, pointless, or fatuous character : shallowness b : lack of …

Inanition Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary
    (medicine) A state of advanced lack of adequate nutrition, food or water, or a physiological inability to utilize them; starvation. Wiktionary (philosophy) A spiritual …

Inanition: Definition with Inanition Pictures and Photos
    Definition of Inanition. 1. n. The condition of being inane; emptiness; want of fullness, as in the vessels of the body; hence, specifically, exhaustion from want of food, either …

Inhalation | definition of inhalation by Medical dictionary
    1. the drawing of air or other substances into the airways and lungs; see also aspiration. Called also inspiration. 2. any drug or solution of drugs administered (as by …

Ingestion | definition of ingestion by Medical dictionary
    in·ges·tion ( in-jes'chŭn) 1. Introduction of food and drink into the stomach. 2. Incorporation of particles into the cytoplasm of a phagocytic cell by invagination of a portion of the cell …

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