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Sequester | definition of sequester by Medical dictionary
    sequester. 1. to detach or separate abnormally a small portion from the whole. 2. to isolate a portion of a chemical system by chelation or other means; see also sequestrant. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, …

Sequester Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    sequestered; sequestering -t (ə-)riŋ 1 : to set apart : segregate the jury was sequestered until a verdict was reached 2 : to take custody of (as personal property) until a demand is …

Sequestration | definition of sequestration by Medical …
    sequestration [ se″kwes-tra´shun] 1. abnormal separation of a part from a whole, as a portion of a bone by a pathologic process, or a portion of the circulating blood in a specific …

Medical Definition of Sequester - MedicineNet
    Sequester: 1. In medicine, to set apart, detach or separate a small portion of tissue from the rest. May be naturally occurring or iatrogenic. 2. In bone, for a piece …

What is Medicare sequestration? : Medicare …
    According to the Congressional Research Service, sequestration is a reduction in federal spending by a certain percentage. As this applies to Medicare, the …

Sequestrations | definition of sequestrations by Medical …
    1. abnormal separation of a part from a whole, as a portion of a bone by a pathologic process, or a portion of the circulating blood in a specific part occurring naturally …

Medical Definition of Sequester - RxList
    Sequester: 1. In medicine, to set apart, detach or separate a small portion of tissue from the rest. May be naturally occurring or iatrogenic. 2. In bone, for a piece …

Sequestering | definition of sequestering by Medical …
    sequester [ se-kwes´ter] 1. to detach or separate abnormally a small portion from the whole. 2. to isolate a portion of a chemical system by chelation or other means; see also …

Sequester - definition of sequester by The Free Dictionary
    se•ques•ter (sɪˈkwɛs tər) v.t. 1. to remove or withdraw into solitude or retirement. 2. to remove or separate. 3. to seize and hold (property) until legal claims are satisfied. 4. to …

Sequester Definition and Examples - Biology Online …
    1. Sequestration; separation. 2. A person with whom two or more contending parties deposit the subject matter of the controversy; one who mediates between two …

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