At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Disease Of The Intestines Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

C. difficile infection - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Clostridioides difficile (klos-TRID-e-oi-deez dif-uh-SEEL) is a bacterium that causes an infection of the large intestine (colon). Symptoms can range from diarrhea to life-threatening damage to the colon. The bacterium is often referred to as C. difficile or C. diff. Illness from C. difficile typically occurs after use of antibiotic me… See more

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) - Symptoms and causes
    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a term that describes disorders involving long-standing (chronic) inflammation of tissues in your digestive tract. Types of IBD include: Ulcerative colitis. This condition involves …

Gastrointestinal Diseases: Symptoms, Treatment
    Diverticular disease. The structural disease diverticulosis is the presence of small outpouchings (diverticula) in the muscular wall of your large intestine that form in …

Diverticulitis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    A blockage in your bowel caused by scarring. An abnormal passageway (fistula) between sections of bowel or the bowel and other organs. Peritonitis, which can occur if the infected or inflamed pouch …

Large Intestine Diseases | Colonic Diseases | MedlinePlus
    Colorectal cancer. Colonic polyps - extra tissue growing in the colon that can become cancerous. Ulcerative colitis - ulcers of the colon and rectum. Diverticulitis - inflammation or infection of pouches in the …

Intestinal obstruction - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Intestinal obstruction can cut off the blood supply to part of your intestine. Lack of blood causes the intestinal wall to die. Tissue death can result in a tear (perforation) in the intestinal wall, which can lead to …

Small Intestine Diseases | MedlinePlus
    Your small intestine does most of the digesting of the foods you eat. It has three areas called the duodenum, the ileum, and the jejunum. Problems with the small intestine can include: Bleeding; Celiac disease; …

Intussusception - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    In adults, intussusception is usually the result of a medical condition or procedure, including: A polyp or tumor. Scar-like tissue in the intestine, known as adhesions. Weight-loss surgery such as gastric …

Medical Terminology Chapter 10: Diseases and …
    Crohn disease. a chronic inflammation of any part of the GI tract, most commonly the ileum of the small intestine, that involves ulcerations, scar tissue formation, and thickening …

Intestinal diseases | definition of Intestinal diseases by …
    The portion of the alimentary canal that extends from the pylorus of the stomach to the anus. It includes the duodenum, jejunum, ileum (small intestine), and colon (large intestine) …

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