At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Donetsk State Medical University Donetsk. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Donetsk National Medical University - Donetsk National Medical …
    Donetsk National Medical University «DNMU» was established in 1930 as M. Gorky Donetsk Medical Institute. After the second world war, Institute was renames to Stalino …

Donetsk National Medical University - Study Medicine in …
    Donetsk National Medical University. It is the first institution of higher education in Ukraine that has introduced educational programs with English Medium of Instructions for …

DNMU • Donetsk national medical university
    Donetsk national medical university organizes its work on the basis of the license of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine for higher educational activity …

Donetsk National Medical University - DNMU
    Donetsk National Medical University was recognized as the best medical university in Ukraine in 2011. DNMU was ranked as the first among Ukrainian medical universities …

Faculties - Donetsk National Medical University
    Donetsk national medical university ranks first among Ukrainian medical universities constantly since 2001 till 2018 according to the rating of Ministry of Health and Ministry of …

Donetsk National Medical University - Study in Ukraine
    Donetsk National Medical University's location, facilities, teachers and programs were all chosen to provide the students with the greatest possible opportunity to achieve their …

Donetsk National Medical University - DNMU - Study …
    Donetsk National Medical University Velika Perspektivna 1, Kirovohrad-25015, Ukraine. (Karla Marksa 1, Kirovohrad-25015, Ukraine) +380 50 648 11 13; +380 73 131 88 79 …

Donetsk National University - Wikipedia
    Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University unites educational and research centers forming a complex that includes: 9 Faculties; 2 regional Training and Retraining Centers; Department of …

Donetsk State Medical University - Facebook
    Donetsk State Medical University. 460 likes. Donetsk National Medical University Ilych Ave. 16, Donetsk 340098 Tele: +380 622 934 441, Fax: +380 622 934 441 Donetsk State …

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