At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Dose Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Dose | definition of dose by Medical dictionary
    dose ( dōs ), Do not confuse this word with dosage. 1. The quantity of a drug or other remedy to be taken or applied all at one time or in fractional amounts within a given …

Difference Between Drug Dose and Dosage - Verywell Health
    A dose refers to a specified amount of medication taken at one time. By contrast, the dosage is how to take the medication as prescribed: a specific amount, …

Dose Definition & Meaning |
    noun a quantity of medicine prescribed to be taken at one time. a substance, situation, or quantity of anything analogous to medicine, especially of something disagreeable: Failing …

Dosage | definition of dosage by Medical dictionary
    dos·age. ( dō'săj) 1. The giving of medicine or other therapeutic agent in prescribed amounts. 2. The size, frequency, and number of doses of medicine to be given. usage …

Loading dose Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    : a large initial dose of a substance or series of such doses given to rapidly achieve a therapeutic concentration in the body Dictionary Entries Near loading dose …

Dose, Dosage, Dosage Form, Dosage Regimen
    Dose is the predetermined amount of the drug administered at one time to produce a certain degree of biological response in a patient. Dosage is the …

Dose - definition of dose by The Free Dictionary
    dose (doʊs) n., v. dosed, dos•ing. n. 1. a quantity of medicine prescribed to be taken at one time. 2. an intense and often disagreeable experience: a dose of bad luck. 3. an amount …

What is radiation dose? -
    Effective dose relates to the overall long-term risk to a person from a procedure and is useful for comparing risks from different procedures. Effective dose is not intended to apply to a specific patient. The …

What Is Dose? What Units Are Used for Dose? - Health …
    "Dose" is a word that in some general English uses and in medical terminology may mean something different than is meant in radiation protection. We talk about taking a …

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