At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Drain Medical Meaning. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Drain | definition of drain by Medical dictionary
    drain. ( drān ), 1. To remove fluid from a cavity as it forms, for example, to drain an abscess. 2. A device, usually in the shape of a tube or wick, for removing fluid as it collects in a cavity, especially a wound cavity. [A. S. drehnian, to draw off] Farlex Partner Medical …

Drains | definition of drains by Medical dictionary
    drain (drān) n. A device, such as a tube, inserted into the opening of a wound or into a body or dental cavity to facilitate discharge of fluid or purulent material. v. To draw off a liquid …

Surgical Drains | Patient
    A surgical drain is a small plastic tube that is sometimes used after an operation. It is put inside you during the surgery by the …

How to Care for Your Surgical Drain at Home - Verywell …
    A surgical drain is meant to keep fluid or infectious material from building up at or near the site of a surgical procedure. It does …

Medical Definition of Drain - MedicineNet
    Drain: A device for removing fluid from a cavity or wound. A drain is typically a tube or wick. As a verb, to allow fluid to be released from a confined area. CONTINUE …

Drainage | definition of drainage by Medical dictionary
    drainage (dran'ij) The flow or withdrawal of fluids, such as blood, infused saline, pus, and collected debris, from a cavity, organ, surgical site, or wound. See: autodrainage; drain …

Surgical Drains: Indications, Types, and Complications
    The main indications for drain use include the need to eliminate dead space, remove existing fluid or gas, and prevent accumulation of fluid or gas. Dead space develops between tissues after disruption of …

Drains: Everything Nurses Need to Know - Nursing CEU …
    Medical drains can be divided into multiple categories. Drains are often described as being active or passive. Passive drainage allows for gravity to help remove excess fluid, without …

Drain Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    a. : to draw off (liquid) gradually or completely. drained all the water out of the pool. b. : to cause the gradual disappearance of. drain the region's wealth. c. : to exhaust (see …

Surgical Wound Drainage: What's Normal and Not
    Serous Drainage Plasma is composed primarily of serum, a fluid consisting mostly of water, and proteins called fibrinogens that work with platelets to help your blood clot. Serum is also known as …

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