At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Dutch Royal Medical Association. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Royal Dutch Medical Association - Wikipedia
    The Royal Dutch Medical Association (RDMA; in Dutch Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot bevordering der Geneeskunst or KNMG) is the professional organisation for medical practitioners in the Netherlands. It was founded in 1849. In 1999 several other medical organisations were integrated into … See more

Registration of medical specialists |
    You must register with the Royal Dutch Medical Association (Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot bevordering der Geneeskunst, KNMG, in Dutch) before you can use the …

A national guideline for palliative sedation in the …
    The first national guideline on palliative sedation in The Netherlands has been adopted by the General Board of the Royal Dutch Medical Association. By law, the physician is …

Caring for people who consciously choose not to eat …
    In 2011 the Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) ascertained in its position paper entitled The role of the physician in the voluntary termination of life that physicians must …

Euthanasia in the Netherlands | The BMJ
    In 1990 the Royal Dutch Medical Association and the Ministry of Justice agreed on a notification procedure. The doctor does not issue a declaration of a natural …

Dutch doctors urge end to male circumcision | Reuters
    The Dutch medical association has urged religious leaders to find alternative rites of passage that are not irreversible and which are not painful for the child. …

Letter from the Royal Dutch Medical Association
    Royal Dutch Medical Association 5 August 2004 THE DUTCH EUTHANASIA ACT AND RELATED ISSUES JOHAN LEGEMAATE In 2002 the Dutch Euthanasia Act came into …

English information - NAPA
    (3 October 2017) After a five-year experiment, the Dutch parliament and Dutch Senate agreed to give PA and NP full independence in diagnosing, initiating treatment and …

Non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors - Doctors …
    Specialisten (Order of medical specialists – OMS) and the Dutch Association of Elderly Care Physicians and Social Geriatricians (Verenso). …

Royal Dutch Medical Association Euthanasia | Day of Difference
    The Royal Dutch Medical Association, whose 30000 members represent most of the doctors in the Netherlands, has, since the 1980s, cooperated with developing a policy …

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