At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Effaced Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Effaced | definition of effaced by Medical dictionary
    efface. Medicine To cause to become shorter, softer, and thinner during labor: The cervix was effaced as the contractions continued. Medicine To become shorter, softer, and thinner during labor. Used of the cervix. ef·face′ment n. ef·fac′er n. The American …

Effacement Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1 : the act or process of effacing or eliminating something Effacement of the forces that press upon or against consciousness is not a simple negation. Charles E. Winquist …

Efface | definition of efface by Medical dictionary
    efface. (ĭ-fās′) v. ef·faced, ef·facing, ef·faces. Medicine To cause to become shorter, softer, and thinner during labor: The cervix was effaced as the contractions continued. …

Effacement | definition of effacement by Medical dictionary
    effacement [ ĕ-fās´ment] the obliteration of form or features; said of the cervix uteri during labor when it shortens from 1 or 2 cm in length to paper thin and there is no longer a …

Efface | Radiology Reference Article |
    Efface is a term frequently used by radiologists, most often in the context of CSF-containing spaces in the brain (sulci and ventricles). Unfortunately, it is often …

Efface Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    effaced; effacing. transitive verb. 1. : to eliminate or make indistinct by or as if by wearing away a surface. coins with dates effaced by wear. also : to cause to vanish. …

Effacing | definition of effacing by Medical dictionary
    Medicine To cause to become shorter, softer, and thinner during labor: The cervix was effaced as the contractions continued. v.intr. Medicine To become shorter, softer, and …

Effaces | definition of effaces by Medical dictionary
    efface (ĭ-fās′) v. ef·faced, ef·facing, ef·faces Medicine To cause to become shorter, softer, and thinner during labor: The cervix was effaced as the contractions continued. …

What Is Effacement - A Sign Labor Is Near?
    Effacement is not a sign of labor that you'll be looking out for, but it is a physical change that gives your healthcare provider important information about how …

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