At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Eponychium Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Eponychium Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    ep· o· nych· i· um ˌep-ə-ˈnik-ē-əm. 1. : the thickened layer of epidermal tissue over the developing fetal fingernail or toenail that disappears before birth except over the base of the nail. 2. : the distal margin of the superficial layer of a proximal nail fold that is a …

Eponychium | definition of eponychium by Medical …
    ep·o·nych·i·um. 1. The corneal layer of epidermis overlapping and in direct contact with the nail root proximally or the sides of the nail plate laterally, forming the …

Eponychium - Wikipedia

    Eponychium Definition & Meaning |
      Eponychium definition, the modified outer layer of the epidermis that partially covers the fetal fingernails and toenails and that persists after birth as the cuticle. See more.

    Eponychium - NailKnowledge
      The eponychium is an area of specialised skin cells on the ventral side of the proximal nail fold that produce the cuticle. Living skin underneath the proximal nail fold, is …

    Eponychium - Definition, Location, Function …
      Eponychium Definition It refers to a tiny epithelium band that stretches onto the nail base from the posterior section of the nail. It is actually the terminal point …

    Eponychia | definition of eponychia by Medical dictionary
      eponychia: ( ep'ō-nik'ē-ă ), Infection involving the proximal nail fold.

    Eponychium - definition of eponychium by The Free …
      Nail dystrophy mostly affects thumb nail bilaterally, but single nail involving the middle finger has also been reported.11 A hangnail is a small, torn piece of skin, on eponychium or …

    Hyponychium (Under-Fingernail Skin) Thickening …
      In the hyponychium and nail bed, the skin cells grow excessively, causing scaling and buildup. This overgrowth is called subungual hyperkeratosis. The skin …

    What is the definition of Eponychium? |
      1920 - A practical medical dictionary. 1898 - Warner's pocket medical dictionary of today. 1920 - A dictionary of scientific terms. 1. The condensed epidermis preceding the …

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