At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Eponymous Medical Diseases. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

List of eponymous diseases - Wikipedia
    An eponymous disease is a disease, disorder, condition, or syndrome named after a person, usually the physician or other health care professional who first identified the disease; less commonly, a patient who had the disease; rarely, a fictional character who exhibited signs of the disease; and, in … See more

Lists of medical eponyms - Wikipedia

    List of eponymous diseases - wikidoc
      An eponymous disease is one that has been named after the person who first described the condition. This usually involves publishing an article in a respected medical journal. …

    13 Medical Conditions Named After People | Mental Floss

      Medical Eponyms | Medical Eponym Examples -
        In recent years, the medical world has largely moved away from using eponymous names of doctors and patients to describe medicines, drugs, conditions …

      List of Medical Eponyms - Medical Terminology Blog
        Medical Eponym: Description: Named After Bio Alzheimer: chronic neurodegenerative disease; most common form of dementia: Alois Alzheimer, 1864-1915: Bavarian …

      Eponyms disease list - Doctors Lounge(TM)
        Peyronie's Disease: subcutaneous fibrosis of dorsum of penis: Pick's Disease: progressive dementia similar to Alzheimer's: Plummer's Syndrome: hyperthyroidism, …

      10 Diseases Named After People
        Hundreds of illnesses, syndromes and diseases are named after the people who discovered them. These eponyms include Crohn's disease, Kaposi's sarcoma and Hodgkin's …

      List of eponymous diseases by speciality Eponyms
        Eponyms by medical specialty: Cardiology Prinzmetal angina Dermatology Koplik's spots (a sign of measles ) Stevens-Johnson syndrome Endocrinology Graves …

      What's in an eponym? Discussing namesake diseases
        The main arguments against eponyms are that they 1) are disrespectful of the people with the disease, 2) do not reflect the team nature of science, 3) are misleading since they're …

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