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Exhibit Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    ex· hib· it ig-ˈzi-bət exhibited; exhibiting; exhibits Synonyms of exhibit transitive verb 1 : to submit (something, such as a document) to a court or officer in course of proceedings also : to present or offer officially or in legal form 2 : to present to view: such as a : to show or …

Exhibit | definition of exhibit by Medical dictionary
    Exhibit | definition of exhibit by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary Google exhibit Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, …

Exhibit - definition of exhibit by The Free Dictionary
    1. to offer or expose to view: to exhibit the new cars. 2. to manifest: to exhibit interest. 3. to make manifest; explain. 4. to submit (a document, object, etc.) in evidence in a court of …

Exhibit Definition & Meaning |
    to offer or expose to view; present for inspection: to exhibit the latest models of cars. to manifest or display: to exhibit anger; to exhibit interest. to place on show: to exhibit …

Exhibition | definition of exhibition by Medical dictionary
    exhibition. The administration of a drug or other method of treatment. Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell …

Exhibit (legal) - Wikipedia
    In personal injury cases, a legal or medical exhibit is created containing drawings or illustrations of human anatomy with graphic, medically accurate depictions of …

Exhibition Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    ex· hi· bi· tion ˌek-sə-ˈbi-shən. Synonyms of exhibition. 1. : an act or instance of exhibiting. 2. British : a grant drawn from the funds of a school or university to help maintain a …

Exhibits legal definition of exhibits -
    Exhibit As a verb, to show or display; to offer or present for inspection. To produce anything in public, so that it may be taken into possession. To present; to offer publicly or officially; …

Exhibition - definition of exhibition by The Free Dictionary
    1. The act or an instance of exhibiting. 2. Something exhibited; an exhibit. 3. A large-scale public showing, as of art objects or industrial or agricultural products. 4. Chiefly British A …

Medical Definition of Exhibitionism - MedicineNet
    Exhibitionism: Exhibitionism is characterized by intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges or behaviors involving exposure of the individual's …

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