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Medical Biochemistry - 1st Edition - Elsevier
    Medical Biochemistry is supported by over forty years of teaching experience, providing coverage of basic biochemical concepts, including the structure and physical and chemical properties of hydrocarbons, lipids, proteins, and nucleotides in a straightforward and easy to comprehend language. The book develops these concepts into the more complex aspects of biochemistry using a systems approach, dedicating chapters to the integral study of biological phenomena, including particular aspects ...

3.8 Department of Medical Biochemistry
    Department of Medical Biochemistry Name Qualification Designation Specialisation No. of years of experience No. of Ph.D./M.Phil students guided for the last 4 years Faizal P. …

Medical Biochemistry | School of Medicine and Health Sciences
    Endocrinology and Reproductive As a result, presentation of relevant Biochemistry is spread throughout the curriculum as basic science, clinical applications and case-based …

Medical Biochemistry - John W. Baynes, Marek H.
    Brought to you in a thorough yet accessible manner, this new edition of Medical Biochemistry highlights the latest developments in regulatory and molecular …

Faizal Asumda - Medical Director, Genetics Clinical
    My research is focused on applying primary cancer cells, stem cells, and animal models of human genetic disease to understand disease …

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