At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Field Medical Pannier. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Field medical pannier, Berlin, Germany, 1910-1918
    The compact medical set was used during the First World War by the German Army. It contains a wide range of equipment needed to treat wounds such as burns and includes …

    The Field Medical Pannier 1 & 2. The Reserve Field Medical Pannier. The Field Fracture Pannier. The Gas Treatment Pannier. The Field Dental Outfit Pannier 1, 2 & 3. The 1941 Pattern …

Field medical pannier | Science Museum Group Collection
    Field medical pannier, with full contents including patient labels, dressings, boxes and bottles of labelled drugs, mixing equipment, volmetric measuring equipment, splints, …

Field medical pannier, Berlin, Germany, 1910-1918
    The compact medical set was used during the First World War by the German Army. It contains a wide range of equipment needed to treat wounds such as burns and includes …

Ww2 Restored Field Medical Wicker Pannier - Worthpoint
    WW2 Medical wicker panierThis is a restored intact wicker World War Two field medical pannier. It is canvas and leather with metal feet and bars to close. The securing rings are …

Field medical pannier, Berlin, Germany, 1910–1918
    Download free public domain image of “Field medical pannier, Berlin, Germany, 1910–1918. The compact medical set was used during the First World War by the …

Field medical pannier, with full contents includin on JSTOR
    Field medical pannier, with full contents including patient labels, dressings, boxes and bottles of labelled drugs, mixing equipment, volmetric measuring equipment, splints, …

Field medical pannier captured from the …
    Field medical pannier captured from the German Army during World War 1, German, c. 1910-1918.

WWII Field Surgical Pannier No 1 Medical Case 1943 NR
    We are offering for auction this WWII Military Field Surgical Pannier Carrying Case with No Reserve . This was used in the field during wartime to carry surgical …

Info on medical haversacks and dressing bags - Other …
    In my regimental collection I have 2 WW1 medical bags, one is the leather bound haversack and the other is a canvas covered tin box with shoulder strap. They are …

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