At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Flk Medical Slang. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

FLK Medical Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
    What does FLK stand for in Medical? Get the top FLK abbreviation related to Medical. Suggest. FLK Medical Abbreviation. What is FLK meaning in ... Slang, Jobs. 1. FLK. Ffunny-looking kid. 1. FLK. Funny-l Looking kKid. Internet Slang, Slang, Chat. Internet …

FLK | definition of FLK by Medical dictionary
    FLK: Funny-Looking Kid. A popular yet insensitive term referring to a neonate with a nonspecific facial dysmorphia which is typically accompanied by growth and/or mental …

Overheard resident say "flk" and attending say my child …
    Medical slang: Flk stands for “funny-looking kid, ” and was a general term for infants affected with various malformation syndromes, particularly those involving …

10 Medical Terms Doctors Don't Want You To Know

    Funny-Looking Kid | definition of Funny-Looking Kid by …
      FLK Funny-looking kid Pediatrics A popular descriptor for nonspecific facial dysmorphias that are typically accompanied by growth and/or mental retardation

    Definition of FLK - Online Slang Dictionary
      FLK: [adjective] acronym for "funny looking kid", an insult used by doctors in the UK on medical charts. Citation from " Doctor slang is a dying art ", BBC News , 18 August 2003 …

    BBC NEWS | Health | Doctor slang is a dying art
      Regional dialects abound, even in the world of the medical abbreviation. In the north of England, the TTR (Tea Time Review) of a patient is commonplace, but not in the south. And the number of terms …

    Urban Dictionary: FLK
      (acronym) Funny Looking Kid: typicalky used in a medical or educational setting to describe a child who has the appearance of one with genetic abnormality.

    Medical slang glossary -
      Medical slang is a form of slang used by doctors, nurses, paramedics and other hospital or medical staff. Its central aspect is the use of facetious but impressive-sounding acronyms …

    Decoding 28 Medical Slang Terms | HowStuffWorks
      Decoding 28 Medical Slang Terms. Doctors, nurses, and other health-care professionals need to communicate with each other quickly and effectively. They also have a sense of humor, as you'll notice in the following list of …

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