At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Flocculent Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Flocculent | definition of flocculent by Medical dictionary
    floc·cu·lent ( flok'yū-lĕnt) 1. Resembling tufts of cotton or wool; denoting a fluid, such as urine, containing numerous shreds or fluffy particles of gray-white or white mucus or other material. 2. bacteriology Denoting a fluid culture in which numerous colonies are either …

Flocculent Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    floc· cu· lent ˈflä-kyə-lənt. 1. : resembling wool especially in loose fluffy organization. 2. : containing, consisting of, or occurring in the form of loosely aggregated particles or soft …

Flocculant Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    flocculator ˈflä-kyə-ˌlā-tər noun Did you know? In the late 16th century, scientists noticed that the loose masses separated from a solution or suspension through precipitation …

Flocculence | definition of flocculence by Medical dictionary
    Precipitation from solution in the form of fleecy masses; the process of becoming flocculent. Synonym(s): flocculence Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

Flocculent Definition & Meaning |
    flocculent / ( ˈflɒkjʊlənt) / adjective like wool; fleecy chem aggregated in woolly cloudlike masses a flocculent precipitate biology covered with tufts or flakes of a waxy or wool-like …

Flocculant | definition of Flocculant by Medical dictionary
    flocculation. [ flok″u-la´shun] the formation of a precipitate or agglomerate in the form of downy tufts or floccules. flocculation test any serologic test in which flocculation takes …

Flocculence Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    flocculence noun floc· cu· lence ˈfläkyələn (t)s variants or less commonly flocculency -nsē plural flocculences also flocculencies 1 : a flocculent state 2 : something that gives a …

Flocculation - Wikipedia
    According to the IUPAC definition, flocculation is "a process of contact and adhesion whereby the particles of a dispersion form larger-size clusters". Flocculation is …

Flocculant - definition of flocculant by The Free Dictionary
    The flocculation is a solid-liquid separation process, which consists of adding a flocculant into the raw water, after which finely divided or dispersed particles are …

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