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Galea | definition of galea by Medical dictionary
    ga·le·a ( gā'lē-ă) 1. A body structure shaped like a helmet. 2. Synonym (s): epicranial aponeurosis. 3. A form of bandage covering the head. 4. Synonym (s): caul (1) . [L. a helmet] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 galea the …

Galea Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    noun. ga· lea ˈgā-lē-ə. : an anatomical part suggesting a helmet.

Galea aponeurotica | Radiology Reference Article
    The galea aponeurotica (also called the galealor epicranial aponeurosis or the aponeurosis epicranialis) is a tough fibrous sheet of connective tissue that extends over the cranium, forming the middle …

Galea aponeurotica Definition & Meaning | Merriam …
    The meaning of GALEA APONEUROTICA is the aponeurosis underlying the scalp and linking the frontalis and occipitalis muscles —called also epicranial …

Galeas | definition of Galeas by Medical dictionary
    galea. 1. An anatomical structure shaped like a helmet. 2. The aponeurosis connecting the occipitofrontal muscle to form the epicranium. 3. A type of bandage for covering the …

Galea capitis | definition of galea capitis by Medical …
    ( gā'lē-ă) 1. A body structure shaped like a helmet. 2. Synonym (s): epicranial aponeurosis. 3. A form of bandage covering the head. 4. Synonym (s): caul (1) . [L. a helmet] Medical …

Galea aponeurotica | definition of galea aponeurotica by …
    galea. [ ga´le-ah] ( L.) a helmet-shaped structure. galea aponeuro´tica aponeurosis connecting the frontal and occipital bellies of the occipitofrontal muscle. Miller-Keane …

Galea Definition & Meaning |
    British Dictionary definitions for galea galea / ( ˈɡeɪlɪə) / noun plural -leae (-lɪˌiː) a part or organ shaped like a helmet or hood, such as the petals of certain flowers Derived forms …

Galea - definition of galea by The Free Dictionary
    galea - an organ shaped like a helmet; usually a vaulted and enlarged petal as in Aconitum. plant organ - a functional and structural unit of a plant or fungus. Based on …

galea - Medical Dictionary
    galea - Medical Dictionary galea defined by Medical Dictionary Online. Dictionary results for galea and medical related terminology. Medical Dictionary A Medical Dictionary of …

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