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Guaiac test Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    Guaiac test Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical Definition Entries Near Show more Save Word guaiac test noun : a test for blood in urine or feces using a reagent containing guaiacum that yields a blue color when blood is present see …

Guaiac | definition of guaiac by Medical dictionary
    guaiac. [ gwi´ak] a resin from certain Caribbean trees, used as a reagent. guaiac test one for occult blood; glacial acetic acid and guaiac are mixed with the specimen; on addition …

Stool guaiac test: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
    Guaiac is a substance from a plant that is used to coat the FOBT test cards. How the Test is Performed Usually, you collect a small sample of stool at home. Sometimes, a doctor …

Guaiac test | definition of guaiac test by Medical dictionary
    guaiac. [ gwi´ak] a resin from certain Caribbean trees, used as a reagent. guaiac test one for occult blood; glacial acetic acid and guaiac are mixed with the specimen; on addition of …

Stool guaiac test - Wikipedia

    Guaiac - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
      Guaiac tests are more sensitive for detecting bleeding from the lower than from the upper gastrointestinal tract because hemoglobin is degraded in the gastrointestinal …

    Guaiac Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      guaiac noun guai· ac ˈgwī-ˌak ˈgī- : guaiacum sense 2 Example Sentences Recent Examples on the Web The potent juice is worldly and rich, driven by Australian …

    Guaiac testing - What it is and what it is not — Maimonides …
      The guaiac test was developed to detect small amounts of blood in the stool in order to screen for malignancy, not for use in the ED. The test has poor sensitivity, …

    Guaiac-positive | definition of guaiac-positive by Medical …
      Looking for online definition of guaiac-positive in the Medical Dictionary? guaiac-positive explanation free. What is guaiac-positive? Meaning of guaiac-positive medical term.

    Guaiac gum | definition of guaiac gum by Medical dictionary
      guai·ac. ( gwī'ak ), The resin of Guaiacum officinale or G. sanctum (family Zygophyllaceae); a nauseant, diaphoretic, stimulant, and reagent used in testing for occult blood. …

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